
Make yourself known to the Anglish Moot!
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Posts: 41
Joined: Sun May 14, 2023 5:53 pm
likes: ich lich this webstede.
about: hai!


Post by moot »


Hello, incoming folk to this board! This post will act as a guide on how to introduce yourself here.

If you are a newcomer to any forum, its always nice to break the ice and tell the forum about yourself, and in the case of this one, perhaps tell us about your experience with anglish! No introduction has to be the same, as everyone is different, but here is a rough list of things you may include in your introduction post! (if you choose to make one)
  • Who you are
  • Interests
  • What you wish to do here
  • Your personal style of anglish
  • What you ate for breakfast
There is truly no limit to how you can make your mark here, just remember to not take it too seriously, and maybe have fun with your post!


Thanks 4 reading \(^3^)/
ic speke no frensce!


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