Ten Words of Wisdom for Anglishers! (1a)

merry + mooting = fun forum games!
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Ten Words of Wisdom for Anglishers! (1a)

Post by moot »


so, i have long known about this youtube camp/ word game online, known as Ten Words of Wisdom or TWOW.

it's pretty much a game where you must write a response to a prompt in ten words or less. if you want more info on how the original series was done, look here! --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S64R-_L ... nel=carykh (seriously, watch that video, it explains it 100x better than i ever could >_<)

i feel like it would be fun to do a game like this, but instead of it being a youtube competition, it's done on a forum! (and in anglish!) now, i don't know how to work in things like voting for responses on which one is best, so this post will act as a sort of test for what could be done in the future.


so let's lay down the groundwork for this forum game!

for this first ever post, i'll make the laws simple, so here's the broad layout i'll set down for a forum version of Ten Words of Wisdom:

so, this post will have a prompt, and your task is to respond to it in ten words or less. (what happens if you go over ten? worry not, we'll get to that.) the way "responding" will work is by sending me your response by a private message. (send me a pm by september 14th, and you're in!)

however, there's a catch! since this is an anglish TWOW, your response should be written in anglish. now, what will i be counting as anglish, you may ask? well, for this game, i'll be lenient and say that if your response has no words of french, latin or greek root (after 1066), you're good!

once i get all responses, i will make a second post displaying each response, where onlookers may vote on them with a poll. in the poll, i will display each response without showing who wrote it. this is so the voting is done anonymously, and not with any biases for a person you like/like not. this is where the fun part comes in though: you get to vote for who you think did the best, and vote for as many responses as you'd like!

the way i'll do voting for this is simple. if you see a response you like, then vote for it. if you see a response you don't like, then don't vote for it. the response that gets the least amount of votes is eliminated, and this is done until we have one winner!

now, remember when i said that your response should be in ten words or less, and in anglish? well, here's why i said that. if a voter sees any kind of mistake in your response, whether it be that it goes over ten words, doesn't relate to the prompt, or heaven forbid, has filthy french words in it, then they are obligated to not vote your response and instead vote for others who did better, thereby leading you to be cast out of the game.

if your response gets the least amount of votes out of everyone, you're eliminated. :C

once out of the game, you won't be able to send me any new responses, but you can still vote!

...and that's all about the inner working of the game, so here comes the first prompt!



Describe the Norman Invasion of England, as if it were just a bunch of friends meeting up.

example: "There was a friendly gathering at Hastings, with William's friends!"

remember: TEN words or less!

closing thoughts

i'm not actually expecting many people to read this wall of text, or even for anybody to send in a response, but for those who have read this whole post,


Thanks 4 Reading! .U.
ic speke no frensce!

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Re: Ten Words of Wisdom for Anglishers! (1a)

Post by moot »

i'll add some things i made unclear here:

if you send me a response by September 14th 8:00 PM UTC, then you're in! however, know that if you don't send a response in by September 14th, but want to join the game, sadly you cannot. i want to keep things simple by not letting people in after submissions close, as it would make the whole concept of voting to eliminate pointless.

each post will go like this:

posts with "a" in them will be for showcasing the prompt, and telling you who was eliminated, and also show some data i guess? posts with "b" in them are for voting.

also, if you're in the game, you can still vote on responses, just like someone who isn't in the game can do. however, please try to not tell anybody to vote for your prompt, doing so should make voters want to do the opposite, actually.

and lastly, once i get all submissions, i'll make a post showing each and every person who is now competing.

oh, and what does the winner get? the right to call themselves "wordwise"!
ic speke no frensce!


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